Predictive analytics service that makes predictions about the unknown future.

Predictive Analytics Solutions

Types of Predictive Analytics Solutions and Software

Finance / Stock Market Predictive Analytics Software

Stock market Predictive Analytics Software is the term that tries to define the future value of a Company’s financial instrument and stocks traded on exchange. The successful stock prediction of future prices could be significantly profitable. The stock market hypothesis determines that stock prices reflect all the information available currently and changes are not based on newly revealed information, therefore they are inherently unpredictable. Our Stock Market Predictive Analytics Solutions comprise of OHLCV Data (Open, High, Low, Close, volume) Data.
Predictive Analytics Solutions comprise of supervised machine learning techniques that are used to predict stock price trends of a single stock, development of trading strategy logic and deep functionality of stocks to understand stock market better. Machine learning optimizes trading firm strategies, thus predict movement of stock portfolio by analyzing stock candles and its mountains. We are providing specific business problem solutions by using predictive analysis for smarter decision making as well as keeping data secret protective.

Sports Betting Predictive Analytics Solutions

Anvitechnologies has built Sports Betting Predictive Analytics Solutions for National Basketball Association (NBA), National Hockey League (NHL), Major League Baseball (MLB), Tennis for Australian Open, National Football League (NFL) and building more applications using Machine Learning techniques.
Sports Betting Predictive Analytics Solutions or Sports Gaming Predictive Analytics Solutions are the sets of events that combines for a specific game representing a particular sport to make profits. The sports Betting system involves humans, and there is no deterministic edge to use gambling or betting. This prediction system is based on the statistical analysis for getting accurate predictions. There are plenty of games features available to be followed for predictions : 3PA, Streak, Home Away, Re-bounds, Assists, Fields Goals, Field Goal Percentage, team Fouls, steals , turnover, block , effective goals and many more. For statistical modelling, we prefer regression analysis to determine the important factors which affect the outcome of event at a very high rate. Basically, Sports Betting Predictive Analytics Solutions are done with multivariate linear regression.

Health Diagnostic Predictive Analytics Software

A major challenge faced by the medical organisations is provision of quality services at affordable costs. Quality Service implies diagnosing patients correctly and administering treatments effectively. Sometimes, poor clinical decisions can lead to disastrous consequences which are unacceptable.

Why use Predictive Analytics Software?

• What happens when technology unravels far-reaching prediction possibilities?
• What happens when an ancient knowledge is empirically mathematically mapped out in pursuit of scientific basis?
• What happens when a system brings together a unique knowledge based, a high-powered prediction algorithm and cloud-based enterprise technology for the ultimate delivery convergence in prediction?
Various Artificial Intelligence techniques like Fuzzy logic emerges as an advantage in predicting the future events. Objective type of fuzzy modelling is used to build prediction system and improve its efficiency while subjective fuzzy modelling is used to develop necessary input for prediction system.